
Friday, August 13, 2021

Puzzle of the week

 Hello reader, here is a challenge for you to do. The class has until the end of the day to guess what it means. Try to guess what the puzzle of the week is.

       What has a head but never weeps 

       has a bed but never sleeps 

      Can run but never walks

       And has a bank but no money?


  1. I LOVE trying to work these out.Thank you for including it in a post Makayla.
    I managed to work the other ones out by myself.Sometimes it takes me a while before I get the answer.
    Is it a river?.

    1. yes it is a river good job

    2. Thank you for letting me know.

      Here's a riddle I found that I would like to share with you....
      What kind of room has no doors or windows?

  2. Have a safe and happy day Makayla.Take care and keep warm.

  3. I have worked out the next couple that Miss Scott has put up.Have you had a look at them Makayla?.
    Mrs Vakapuna told us the first one and with support from Samantha,I managed to get the 2nd one.
    Take care and keep safe.

  4. I am looking forward to checking out your new learning Makayla.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. See you at school tomorrow Makayla.

  6. I look forward to your next post Makayla.\Have a wonderful week.
